Become a member

You can find a detailed step-by-step guide to the recording process here. If you follow it carefully, you will avoid unnecessary delays.

Due to our geographical spread and the legal framework (the board of directors must personally sign the admissions), this process can take a few days or weeks. Please be patient with us.

Fill in the form and send it via post

Go to to download the form, fill it out, print it out and send it signed to us by post:

WTF Kooperative eG
Forsmannstr. 14 b
Hinterhaus, 3. OG
22303 Hamburg

Phone: 040 / 2285143-0

(It is best to print the two-sided form on the front and back of a sheet of paper.)

Send an email with your PGP key attached.

Send an email from the email address you gave us on the questionnaire to: signed with your key given on the questionnaire; attach this public key to your e-mail. The subject should read: Application for admission [nickname]. If applicable, you can briefly mention whether you would like to transact business via WTF eG in the near future and whether it is urgent.

Transfer at least 300 € to the cooperative

Transfer to the account indicated in the questionnaire:

  • 100 € admission fee
  • 100 € annual contribution
  • 100 € per subscribed share (1 to 100 shares)

For the further processing of your admission, at least 300 € must have been received by the cooperative. Write in the subject of the transfer: Acceptance application - clear name - nickname. (Your full name here and in the questionnaire must be exactly as it appears on your official identity card).


Statute:   wtf-satzung.pdf
General Rules of Procedure:   wtf-ago.pdf
Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board:   wtf-go-vorstand.pdf
Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board:   wtf-go-aufsichtsrat.pdf
Contribution regulations:   wtf-beitragsordnung.pdf
Application for membership:

Regular meetings

Admission meetings for new members

There are currently no new dates for admission meetings.

Cooperative solidarity

A hacker community is a lineup that can move all sorts of things in many markets.

Cooperatively strong

What one person cannot do alone, many can do together. Intellectually, financially and in a legally secure, economically stable environment.

On your own account or as an employee

Make your cooperative your employer by getting a job at the cooperative.

Help and learn

Benefit from know-how and exchange of experience in the cooperative.

Manage your own work and get paid for it

Write invoices? Business registration? Additional expenses for bookkeeping and tax returns? Save yourself the effort, let your cooperative do it!

Virtual teams, great jobs

Many of us work on a freelance basis. Anywhere, everywhere, flexible and friendly, small and often solo. Some interesting tasks and clients you can't get access to as a lone wolf. And certainly not when it comes to public contracts.

Realizing long-term dreams

Setting up a housing project, a retirement home for hackers, putting money aside, applying for funding …